According to the statistics about 40 percent of U.S. marriages end in divorce. Is your career killing your marriage?

Most of us spend more time at work than we do at home. I know this is often true for me and maybe it’s true for you as well. Many of us often give more energy to our work and when we finally get home after long hours and all-consuming concerns that occur during any given day, it’s no wonder we have very little and sometimes nothing left. This over attention on work leads to shortchanging our spouse, partner and children who get the worst of us after a long day or week. Those of us who are entrepreneurs have the added stress of running an entire business and often hold the role of ‘chief cook and bottle washer’ for the entire business.

There are warning signs your career could be killing your marriage. Know them and it could save you a lot of heartache.

The best way to prevent this from happening is to treat your marriage with the same seriousness and attention that you would a business venture. Of course, if you don’t love your job, you should do something about that! Read about 5 things you can do if you don’t love your job that I posted earlier.

Careers can be all-consuming and focusing too much on work can be lethal to our personal relationships. How do you know if you’re headed for trouble?

Read more as Minda Zetlin writes about it in her recent article after a coaching session with me.