Are you at a career crossroad?

This new world we are living in is not only full of uncertainty but also full of endless possibilities. Many of my clients are wondering if they are going to have a job when all this is over and some are wondering if they even want the same job they currently have. This post will give you a simple exercise to uncover your greatest strengths and plan your next career move.

Be intentional when planning your career.

At some point, we will emerge from this time of immense uncertainty either stronger or weaker depending on how we each answer the call into our future. Whatever your individual circumstances, this time can be a portal to deepen into what matters most and an invitation forward into what’s next. Don’t be an accidental tourist in your own life. Rather than react and respond to what life, work and others throw your way, be intentional and use the time to navigate what is and pause and reflect on what you want next. Being intentional about planning your next career move puts you in the driver seat versus responding to circumstances or what others think is best for you. Having a career plan is a great idea.

Trying to determine your next move in the midst of the current disruptions to the economy and to daily life is not easy. There’s a simple but profound exercise that will help you figure out your next best move, no matter where you are in your career journey.

Click here to read about it in I’ve been coaching the author, Minda Zetlin for years and she’s been writing about it.