This module is for those who are trying to figure out what to do next. This module is like an annual professional checkup, where you will have the opportunity to step back and take stock of where you are and try on where you think you might be heading. In this module, many of you will experience a professional breakthrough, helping you turn an idea into your reality as you connect the dots between what you say you might want and close the gap with your current reality actually.


INSTRUCTIONAL VIDEOS approximately 20 minutes each along with companion downloadable PDF COACHING GUIDES for each Lesson.


Lessons may be purchased individually for $44.95 or by the entire module for $155.00 by clicking on the PURCHASE button below.

LESSON 1: YOUR INNER GPS – This Lesson will help you learn how to activate and accurately read your inner guidance system. This is important to do as it is the foundational and first step in understanding not only what matters most to you, but which professional direction is the right one for you to take now, no matter where you are in your career. This Lesson will specifically help you answer the question, What’s Next for Me. When it comes to figuring out things and decision-making, knowing how to go with our gut feelings usually makes for much much better outcomes.




LESSON 2: PREPARE A STRONG FOUNDATION – This Lesson on your Preparing a Strong Foundation will help you answer the question, in what ways have I prepared myself for what I am creating next? The care and well-being of your body, mind, and emotional state is a must. Exercise, nutrition, spiritual practices, and extreme self-care inside and out is critical to be ready to take-on our next bold move. This Lesson will help you first identify where to put your focus and then easy steps to move yourself forward.




LESSON 3: CREATING CLARITY – This Lesson on your Creating Clarity will help you answer the question, How do I know which is the best direction for me to go in at this moment in my life? To turn any idea into reality, you must first be clear about what you really want and the reason why it’s important to you. Because we care about a lot of things, choosing the right ones to act on is a process worth learning how to do for yourself so you can use it anytime and in any situation. In this Lesson, you will learn a unique dual methodology to help you narrow down your options and identify THE one right thing that is worth pouring all your time and energy into no matter where you are on your own path.




LESSON 4: SUPPORT SYSTEMS – This Lesson is how to create the right Support Systems for where you are headed, not where you currently are planted. This is one of the most important things you can do for your career.




LESSON 5: NEXT STEPS AND ACTION PLAN – The exercise in this Lesson will leave you with an action plan to implement to help you figure out what’s next on your professional journey. Wouldn’t it be great to figure this out?!





What I have learned about all these years helping people unleash themselves and their potential, is that every dream can be your reality. Making our ideas and hopes turn into something real, is a matter of figuring out how to get from step A to step B. It is however, not likely that we can do this by ourselves easily or fast enough because we are too close to see ourselves objectively. Also, most of us are not skilled in the process of self-examination and self-assessment. Even coaches need professional coaching to go through transitions which is why I developed this self study program. We cannot navigate these transitional waters even with the help of our loved ones, although they want to help us. They too are too close and more importantly are not objective because they have a stake in our game and in the results we produce.

I believe professional guidance is the key to success in any endeavor in which you want to excel . You are most likely doing the best you know how to do right now, already. If you wanted to learn how to play the piano, wouldn’t you take lessons from a professional? If you wanted to learn how to play golf, wouldn’t you hire a golf pro to teach you the basics to start with and over time shape your game so you get the results you want? Learning how to figure out your strengths and talents that matter most and align them what you really want next requires professional support and guidance also.

I am uniquely qualified with over 30 years of expertise in Leadership coaching, training and consulting with executives and top talent individuals both self-employed and working inside organizations, to help them, and now you, unlock your fullest potentials and develop strong leadership skills. Come join me as you travel this next journey.