• Every one of us has two jobs at the same time. Most of us forget about our careers and think if we just focus on doing a good job, the career will take care of itself. NOT! In this lesson, you will learn the strategies to keep sight on your career impactfully, while focusing on your current job/work.
  • Women question themselves more often than men as we wonder if we are smart enough, educated enough, thin enough, talented enough, know enough, pretty enough, etc. What we think and feel drives what we say and do. If you think you are not enough, you will act in ways that confirm these thoughts. In this lesson, you will learn what causes your inner critic to activate and strategies to diminish your inner critic. It takes focus then practice to stop placing harsh judgment on yourself. Let’s start now.
  • This Lesson will leave you with a strategic action plan to implement to help you further reduce behaviors that might be holding you back professionally.
  • Your distinct competitive advantage is your authentic self. Our authentic selves are at the heart of our power. In this module, we will teach you powerful ways to expand and own your power and influence. And learn a few new strategies along the way.
  • In this module, we will examine the top most common mistakes many professional women make that reduce their professional power and presence. Most of the time women don’t know they do these things on a regular basis. Knowing what they are and what to do about them will help you be perceived as more professional and valuable and feel better about yourself.
  • This Lesson will help you examine the way you think and then act based on the way you feel about yourself. Our self-perceptions can make us strong and confident or unsure with self-doubt. Being aware of what you perceive is a good start to being able to shift the behaviors that no longer serve you.
  • This Lesson will help you develop a stronger sense of yourself and your abilities. No matter what job you have or what level of experience, women tend to fall into 4 major mistakes that negatively impact their professional power, leading to us feeling less capable and ill at ease with what we bring to the table.
  • Now that you have a clearer idea of the 10 most common mistakes women make and what to do about them, practicing shifting your behavior in the areas that most challenge you, is your next step. This Lesson will leave you with a strategic action plan to implement to help you further reduce the mistakes that might be holding you back professionally.
  • Your distinct competitive advantage is your authentic self. Our authentic selves are at the heart of our power. In this module, we will teach you powerful ways to expand and own your power and influence. And learn a few new strategies along the way.
  • Now that you have a better idea of who you are and what you bring to the table that is uniquely yours and you have more clarity about what work is aligned best with who you are, this Lesson will help you outline your ideal job or next career move with more clarity.
  • This Lesson walks you through how to take the Vision Quest Consulting Leadership and Communication Style Survey. Every one of us is different and has a predominant style in the way we move through the world, naturally. Similar to handedness; you’re not better if you’re a left handed person versus right handed, right? Similarly, one style isn’t better than the others, just different with different capabilities and gifts and of course, challenges. You are about to find out yours. You may not be surprised at the results but it will explain a lot of things about why you have challenges with certain people and why you are drawn easily to others. After we go through all the lessons in this module together, we will be pulling it all together to put together an action plan for you to put what you’ve learned about yourself to use, starting right now.
  • This Lesson on Brand Identity is focused on how to build a strong brand foundation. Having a strong brand that is uniquely you, helps you project the professional image you want others to notice about you. Branding work is really not optional if you want to move yourself forward professionally.
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