This Lesson will help you develop a stronger sense of yourself and your abilities. No matter what job you have or what level of experience, women tend to fall into 4 major mistakes that negatively impact their professional power, leading to us feeling less capable and ill at ease with what we bring to the table.
In this module, we will examine the top most common mistakes many professional women make that reduce their professional power and presence. Most of the time women don’t know they do these things on a regular basis. Knowing what they are and what to do about them will help you be perceived as more professional and valuable and feel better about yourself.
Women question themselves more often than men as we wonder if we are smart enough, educated enough, thin enough, talented enough, know enough, pretty enough, etc. What we think and feel drives what we say and do. If you think you are not enough, you will act in ways that confirm these thoughts. In this lesson, you will learn what causes your inner critic to activate and strategies to diminish your inner critic. It takes focus then practice to stop placing harsh judgment on yourself. Let’s start now.
Every one of us has two jobs at the same time. Most of us forget about our careers and think if we just focus on doing a good job, the career will take care of itself. NOT! In this lesson, you will learn the strategies to keep sight on your career impactfully, while focusing on your current job/work.
In general, women are often pretty good at developing relationships with others, but don’t often know how to best benefit from them fully professionally. In this Lesson, we are going to explore the answers to the following questions. “If you could have the most awesome network to support you, what might you be able to do or have or be that you don’t have now?” “Is there something you are wanting that you have not obtained?” Let’s do this thing!
The outcomes you produce in your life are a direct correlation to how you actually see yourself and how you utilize the power within you when you are at your best. In this lesson, we are going to focus on how our personal power comes from our ability to successfully demonstrate self agency and utilize consistently scheduling quiet time with yourself.