A new day is on our horizon and we are the best and only ones that can create our future.  Not our bosses, not our spouses or significant others, and not our friends or families. Just us.

Have you asked yourself, what’s the story you want to write for the future you are creating for 2018?!

Like some of you, I watched Oprah’s amazing acceptance speech of the Golden Globe’s Cecil B. DeMille lifetime achievement award (she’s the first black woman ever to receive the award in its 66-year history) and I had goose bumps.

“For too long women have not been heard or believed if they dared to speak their truth to the power of those men, but their time is up,” she said. Her words spoke to me of ‘leaning into’ our lives powerfully in ways we may not yet have done and her speech had a broader impact on me beyond the torment, abuse and assault that inspired the #MeToo or #TimesUp movements which she focused on that evening. I too wonder if I am strong enough and powerful enough to look at the life I want and take bold steps to get there.  If you missed it or just want to watch it again, Click here.

So what you ask? I do not think it is enough to be inspired, although it feels great in the moment.

The harder questions are,

What will you do with your inspiration?

What action will you take to step into your full potential to create a powerful future for yourself?

If you hear a whispering in your heart calling you towards something you do not yet have, but want, if you are a woman, you can come to our upcoming 2018 Women’s Leadership Programs that are designed to help you take action, be bolder and create a brighter future for yourself. If you’re a guy, or a woman who cannot attend here are 3 tips to help.

Hire yourself a coach to nudge and support you into your greatest self


Hang out with people who stretch and inspire you


Find a new tribe of support that you learn from and grow with and attend with some regularity


Remember leadership is a practice. What are you doing to practice lately?


Wendy Capland | CEO Vision Quest Consulting